Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Our Government

Our Governmental Leaders

For years even decades we have watched our politicians get richer, and use our money to fund their retirement programs. Its seems also that no matter how bad our economy is they can still vote themselves raises yet have the audacity to complain about banks and companies giving million dollar bonuses. Now don't get me wrong, I think that the business and bank executives should forego their golden parachute payouts until everything is back on track and unemployent is low again. But as usual it seems that with power comes greed. Right now now lets focus on our elected officials.

I wonder how many people in this country are aware that our government officials do not pay into or recieve money from social security. Instead they have set up their own funding of taxpayer dollars that will pay them upwards of $15,000.00 a month, yes a month when they retire from capital hill. And this payout will continue for their spouse as well untill both are deceased. So it should come as no surprise that when our government wants or needs money that just take it from social security (they have no vested interest in it) and when they want more minority votes they allow foreigners who have never payed into it but justed moved here from other countries to be elegible to recieve payment from it. This puts even more strain on the tax payers shoulders and threatens to end social security even sooner. Now the monthly retirement pay they recieve does not include any secret service or other perks that they may recieve from having served on capital hill, or the fact that they recieved a six figure income every year plus having most of what they needed paid for by tax payer money over the years. If you think about it, it is no wonder our country is so broke. Can you run a business successfully when you continue to syphon money from the accounts no matter how good or bad things are? With unemployment high that means fewer tax dollars being put into the system can we really afford to pay inflated wages and outrageous retirements to our elected officials?

It is time that we, as a nation, stand up and fire all of our elected politicians and let the government know that they are in those positions to represent the people of this nation, not to represent their own pocket books. The Constitution states that our government should be for the people, by the people, and of the people of this great land. Let your politician know that they must step up and do what is right for the people they represent, not just for their pocket book, and that they need to reduce all of the money that they are recieving and allow that money to go to the people that truly need it to survive until they are back on their feet. And that if you don't pay into the system you do not recieve from the system.

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