Friday, February 26, 2010



What is happening to our country. We used to be the greatest nation on earth, full of pride, self respect, hope, and determination. But, that was back when our parents and their parents were leading this nation. It seems that as time has progressed we have decided to try and take the easy path. We don't want to take responsibility for our own actions and choices. It is easier to say "its not my fault", or "that is not my problem". We want to blame our schools for the decline our childrens education, we want to blame our environment for our behavior or status in life. Point the finger at evrybody else but where it belongs.

Well people here is a news flash, a slap in the face, and your wake-up call. Our children will not get better unless we as parents make them a priority in our life. We can't expect our school systems to teach them everything and tie our schools hands behind their backs and expect it to work. We have to be there and make sure our children are doing they homework, make sure they are reading everyday, and be responsible for their actions. As a parent do you know who your childrens friends are? If you truly love and care about your children you should. I have 3 children and I know it can be very tiring keeping up with all 3 of my kids, but I think they are worth my time, and energy to raise to be a better person then me. And here is a tip for all of you new parents, or soon to be parents, start talking to your kids about everything when they are young. Don't wait until they are 10 or older to talk about smoking, or drugs, or even sex. Keep it simple but start as soon as they can understand words that you say, and repeat it a couple times a month. Right now if you ask any of my kids (ages 4-7) they will tell you that drugs are bad and why, that smoking is bad, and why, and that they can talk to me or my wife at anytime. I have found that since I started when they were very little, it is easy to talk to even my 7 yr old about anything with no problems.

Our country's future rests on the shoulders of our children. Lets raise them and take responsibility for them and their actions. Lets build our country again. Lets take responsibility for our future and teach our children to do the same.

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