How Lazy Have We Become?
Today I saw the ultimate in lazyness from a parent. This was even worse then seeing the minivan load of kids climbing in and out of the van to go knock on the doors to get candy which in itself is pathetic.
Today, I was playing in the front yard with my 3 children and this little boy of maybe 8 or 9 walks up and says "I am a cub scout and am out selling M&M's plain and peanut for a dollars a bag". Well I look down and he has a ziplock bag filled with individual bags of M&M' (plain and peanut) and those bags look worn. He is not wearing a cubscout uniform, and is only going to places where he see's people. I glance around and I see a man in a minivan half a block away waiting. I inform the boy that I have no money at this time and he moves on. I continued to watch him walk, and this van following (always a half a block back). He obviously knows this van as he keeps watching it and is in no hurry to get to as many houses as possible.
Now maybe it is me, but as a father and a parent the dad should have been walking with his son and yes staying back to let his son do the selling but be there for support not just trailing behind like a lazy POS that he seemed to be. As a parent what kind of message does this send to our kids? Hey son its ok to be lazy and just drive around, not give any tips or moral support to your kids so they can grow up to be just like me. Yea, what a message. If you didn't want kids then keep it in your pants, if you have kids then man up, don't make the same mistakes your parent or parents did, and be the best father a child could ask for.
Sorry to say, with sex comes responsibility either be ready to accept that responsibility or don't have sex. Only you can chose to make this a better world.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Our Government
Our Governmental Leaders
For years even decades we have watched our politicians get richer, and use our money to fund their retirement programs. Its seems also that no matter how bad our economy is they can still vote themselves raises yet have the audacity to complain about banks and companies giving million dollar bonuses. Now don't get me wrong, I think that the business and bank executives should forego their golden parachute payouts until everything is back on track and unemployent is low again. But as usual it seems that with power comes greed. Right now now lets focus on our elected officials.
I wonder how many people in this country are aware that our government officials do not pay into or recieve money from social security. Instead they have set up their own funding of taxpayer dollars that will pay them upwards of $15,000.00 a month, yes a month when they retire from capital hill. And this payout will continue for their spouse as well untill both are deceased. So it should come as no surprise that when our government wants or needs money that just take it from social security (they have no vested interest in it) and when they want more minority votes they allow foreigners who have never payed into it but justed moved here from other countries to be elegible to recieve payment from it. This puts even more strain on the tax payers shoulders and threatens to end social security even sooner. Now the monthly retirement pay they recieve does not include any secret service or other perks that they may recieve from having served on capital hill, or the fact that they recieved a six figure income every year plus having most of what they needed paid for by tax payer money over the years. If you think about it, it is no wonder our country is so broke. Can you run a business successfully when you continue to syphon money from the accounts no matter how good or bad things are? With unemployment high that means fewer tax dollars being put into the system can we really afford to pay inflated wages and outrageous retirements to our elected officials?
It is time that we, as a nation, stand up and fire all of our elected politicians and let the government know that they are in those positions to represent the people of this nation, not to represent their own pocket books. The Constitution states that our government should be for the people, by the people, and of the people of this great land. Let your politician know that they must step up and do what is right for the people they represent, not just for their pocket book, and that they need to reduce all of the money that they are recieving and allow that money to go to the people that truly need it to survive until they are back on their feet. And that if you don't pay into the system you do not recieve from the system.
For years even decades we have watched our politicians get richer, and use our money to fund their retirement programs. Its seems also that no matter how bad our economy is they can still vote themselves raises yet have the audacity to complain about banks and companies giving million dollar bonuses. Now don't get me wrong, I think that the business and bank executives should forego their golden parachute payouts until everything is back on track and unemployent is low again. But as usual it seems that with power comes greed. Right now now lets focus on our elected officials.
I wonder how many people in this country are aware that our government officials do not pay into or recieve money from social security. Instead they have set up their own funding of taxpayer dollars that will pay them upwards of $15,000.00 a month, yes a month when they retire from capital hill. And this payout will continue for their spouse as well untill both are deceased. So it should come as no surprise that when our government wants or needs money that just take it from social security (they have no vested interest in it) and when they want more minority votes they allow foreigners who have never payed into it but justed moved here from other countries to be elegible to recieve payment from it. This puts even more strain on the tax payers shoulders and threatens to end social security even sooner. Now the monthly retirement pay they recieve does not include any secret service or other perks that they may recieve from having served on capital hill, or the fact that they recieved a six figure income every year plus having most of what they needed paid for by tax payer money over the years. If you think about it, it is no wonder our country is so broke. Can you run a business successfully when you continue to syphon money from the accounts no matter how good or bad things are? With unemployment high that means fewer tax dollars being put into the system can we really afford to pay inflated wages and outrageous retirements to our elected officials?
It is time that we, as a nation, stand up and fire all of our elected politicians and let the government know that they are in those positions to represent the people of this nation, not to represent their own pocket books. The Constitution states that our government should be for the people, by the people, and of the people of this great land. Let your politician know that they must step up and do what is right for the people they represent, not just for their pocket book, and that they need to reduce all of the money that they are recieving and allow that money to go to the people that truly need it to survive until they are back on their feet. And that if you don't pay into the system you do not recieve from the system.
Friday, February 26, 2010
What is happening to our country. We used to be the greatest nation on earth, full of pride, self respect, hope, and determination. But, that was back when our parents and their parents were leading this nation. It seems that as time has progressed we have decided to try and take the easy path. We don't want to take responsibility for our own actions and choices. It is easier to say "its not my fault", or "that is not my problem". We want to blame our schools for the decline our childrens education, we want to blame our environment for our behavior or status in life. Point the finger at evrybody else but where it belongs.
Well people here is a news flash, a slap in the face, and your wake-up call. Our children will not get better unless we as parents make them a priority in our life. We can't expect our school systems to teach them everything and tie our schools hands behind their backs and expect it to work. We have to be there and make sure our children are doing they homework, make sure they are reading everyday, and be responsible for their actions. As a parent do you know who your childrens friends are? If you truly love and care about your children you should. I have 3 children and I know it can be very tiring keeping up with all 3 of my kids, but I think they are worth my time, and energy to raise to be a better person then me. And here is a tip for all of you new parents, or soon to be parents, start talking to your kids about everything when they are young. Don't wait until they are 10 or older to talk about smoking, or drugs, or even sex. Keep it simple but start as soon as they can understand words that you say, and repeat it a couple times a month. Right now if you ask any of my kids (ages 4-7) they will tell you that drugs are bad and why, that smoking is bad, and why, and that they can talk to me or my wife at anytime. I have found that since I started when they were very little, it is easy to talk to even my 7 yr old about anything with no problems.
Our country's future rests on the shoulders of our children. Lets raise them and take responsibility for them and their actions. Lets build our country again. Lets take responsibility for our future and teach our children to do the same.
What is happening to our country. We used to be the greatest nation on earth, full of pride, self respect, hope, and determination. But, that was back when our parents and their parents were leading this nation. It seems that as time has progressed we have decided to try and take the easy path. We don't want to take responsibility for our own actions and choices. It is easier to say "its not my fault", or "that is not my problem". We want to blame our schools for the decline our childrens education, we want to blame our environment for our behavior or status in life. Point the finger at evrybody else but where it belongs.
Well people here is a news flash, a slap in the face, and your wake-up call. Our children will not get better unless we as parents make them a priority in our life. We can't expect our school systems to teach them everything and tie our schools hands behind their backs and expect it to work. We have to be there and make sure our children are doing they homework, make sure they are reading everyday, and be responsible for their actions. As a parent do you know who your childrens friends are? If you truly love and care about your children you should. I have 3 children and I know it can be very tiring keeping up with all 3 of my kids, but I think they are worth my time, and energy to raise to be a better person then me. And here is a tip for all of you new parents, or soon to be parents, start talking to your kids about everything when they are young. Don't wait until they are 10 or older to talk about smoking, or drugs, or even sex. Keep it simple but start as soon as they can understand words that you say, and repeat it a couple times a month. Right now if you ask any of my kids (ages 4-7) they will tell you that drugs are bad and why, that smoking is bad, and why, and that they can talk to me or my wife at anytime. I have found that since I started when they were very little, it is easy to talk to even my 7 yr old about anything with no problems.
Our country's future rests on the shoulders of our children. Lets raise them and take responsibility for them and their actions. Lets build our country again. Lets take responsibility for our future and teach our children to do the same.
What is truth? How important is truth? Truth is one of the virtues of life that we should live by, and that we must live by if we want to maintain our honor, dignity, self-respect, and respect from others. Now we can look back through time and see history repeat itself over and over and over again. Great nations have risen and fallen by the morals of its people. Time has shown that a nation that is/was a God fearing nation (whether it was a single diety or multiple dieties that they worshiped doesn't matter) tended to have people of strong moral values, and a sense of truth about themselves and their actions. These nations always seemed to be strong, self reliant, proud, and destined for a good future. But as years would pass and the beliefs in the God or Gods wavered or diminished so would the values of the people, and as the values declined the nation would decline sacrificing morals, and values for material objects, greed, and even lust. And when the societies reached these points the nation would crumble and the surrounding countries would attack and take it over, instituting its own beliefs and rituals.
Now I would say that I am a proud American, I love my country with all my heart. But as I look around I see our decline and it is gaining speed. First, we let our government get too big, which means that it now sees itself as our big brother and thinks that it knows whats best for each and every one of us. Second, we have taken God out of our lives, now I am not a bible thumper, I don't believe in cramming my beliefs down everyones throats but I do believe in God and his goodness as our forefathers did when they founded our great nation. We as a people have let others cram their beliefs down our throats so much that we go out of our way to appease them and disregard our own beliefs. Thirdly, greed has taken over, we as a nation are more concerned about money and what we can get, should get, or even what we think we deserve (not neccesarily earned) that we will stab our own family mebers and friends in the back to get it. No longer do you see people helping each other just to be helpful or friendly, nowadays we only help if it is a benefit to us first.
If we don't want to lose our nation then we need to look in the mirror and see the truth of what we have become. Once we do that, we can fix our own individual selves, and once we fix ourselves we can help our children and friends to see the right and wrongs and to see and face the truths in themselves. Then once they see the truth and make truth a part of their lives they can help their friends and families, and so on, and so forth. Until once again we are the country standing talling, shoulders back, chin up, and the leaders of the world. But it all starts with each of us looking in that mirror and making the choice to face the truth of who we are and becoming the person we were supposed to be.
What is truth? How important is truth? Truth is one of the virtues of life that we should live by, and that we must live by if we want to maintain our honor, dignity, self-respect, and respect from others. Now we can look back through time and see history repeat itself over and over and over again. Great nations have risen and fallen by the morals of its people. Time has shown that a nation that is/was a God fearing nation (whether it was a single diety or multiple dieties that they worshiped doesn't matter) tended to have people of strong moral values, and a sense of truth about themselves and their actions. These nations always seemed to be strong, self reliant, proud, and destined for a good future. But as years would pass and the beliefs in the God or Gods wavered or diminished so would the values of the people, and as the values declined the nation would decline sacrificing morals, and values for material objects, greed, and even lust. And when the societies reached these points the nation would crumble and the surrounding countries would attack and take it over, instituting its own beliefs and rituals.
Now I would say that I am a proud American, I love my country with all my heart. But as I look around I see our decline and it is gaining speed. First, we let our government get too big, which means that it now sees itself as our big brother and thinks that it knows whats best for each and every one of us. Second, we have taken God out of our lives, now I am not a bible thumper, I don't believe in cramming my beliefs down everyones throats but I do believe in God and his goodness as our forefathers did when they founded our great nation. We as a people have let others cram their beliefs down our throats so much that we go out of our way to appease them and disregard our own beliefs. Thirdly, greed has taken over, we as a nation are more concerned about money and what we can get, should get, or even what we think we deserve (not neccesarily earned) that we will stab our own family mebers and friends in the back to get it. No longer do you see people helping each other just to be helpful or friendly, nowadays we only help if it is a benefit to us first.
If we don't want to lose our nation then we need to look in the mirror and see the truth of what we have become. Once we do that, we can fix our own individual selves, and once we fix ourselves we can help our children and friends to see the right and wrongs and to see and face the truths in themselves. Then once they see the truth and make truth a part of their lives they can help their friends and families, and so on, and so forth. Until once again we are the country standing talling, shoulders back, chin up, and the leaders of the world. But it all starts with each of us looking in that mirror and making the choice to face the truth of who we are and becoming the person we were supposed to be.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
The Great Swordsmen of Japan part 3
Miyamoto Musashi
Musashi is a well known martial artist from fuedal Japan. He is considered the Kensei, sword-saint of Japan. The name "Musashi" was thought to be taken from the name of a warrior monk named MusashibÅ Benkei who served under Minamoto no Yoshitsune, but this is unconfirmed.
It's said that he may have studied at the Yoshioka ryu school, which was also said to be a school Musashi defeated single-handedly during his later years, although this is very uncertain. He did have formal training either by his father until he was 7 years old or from his uncle beginning at the age of 7. Ultimately the name was taken from his own original kanji, which can be read as Takezo or as Musashi, as stated in Eiji Yoshikawa's book Musashi.
At the age of 13 Musashi fought in his first duel killing his opponent, by the age of 60 he had been in over sixty duels with (according to legend ) only 1 ending in a draw, the rest were victories. This does not include the men that he had killed in battle. He was involved in several major battles during his time, and the number of enemies he killed from them are unknown. In April 13, 1612, Musashi fought his most famous duel, with Sasaki Kojiro, who wielded a nodachi. Musashi came late and unkempt to the appointed place — the remote island of Funajima, north of Kokura. The duel was short. Musashi killed his opponent with a bokken that he had carved from an oar while traveling to the island. Musashi fashioned it to be longer than the nodachi, making it closer to a modern suburito.
Musashi's late arrival is controversial. Sasaki's outraged supporters thought it was dishonorable and disrespectful while Musashi's supporters thought it was a fair way to unnerve his opponent. Another theory is that Musashi timed the hour of his arrival to match the turning of the tide. The tide carried him to the island. After his victory, Musashi immediately jumped back in his boat and his flight from Sasaki's vengeful allies was helped by the turning of the tide. Another theory states he waited for the sun to get in the right position. After he dodged a blow Sasaki was blinded by the sun. At this time Musashi would have delivered the killing blow to the chest of Sasaki ending the duel.
In the year 1643 Musashi retired to a cave and began writing his "Book of Five Rings" or "Go Rin No Sho" . He finished the book in 1644 and passed its knowledge onto his closest disciple. And in June of 1645, the greatest warrior and swordsman of his time passed away leaving a legand and legacy that have since been unrivaled. His book is still read and the knowledge still continues to be used not only only the field of battle, but also the board rooms around the world of major businesses.
Musashi is a well known martial artist from fuedal Japan. He is considered the Kensei, sword-saint of Japan. The name "Musashi" was thought to be taken from the name of a warrior monk named MusashibÅ Benkei who served under Minamoto no Yoshitsune, but this is unconfirmed.
It's said that he may have studied at the Yoshioka ryu school, which was also said to be a school Musashi defeated single-handedly during his later years, although this is very uncertain. He did have formal training either by his father until he was 7 years old or from his uncle beginning at the age of 7. Ultimately the name was taken from his own original kanji, which can be read as Takezo or as Musashi, as stated in Eiji Yoshikawa's book Musashi.
At the age of 13 Musashi fought in his first duel killing his opponent, by the age of 60 he had been in over sixty duels with (according to legend ) only 1 ending in a draw, the rest were victories. This does not include the men that he had killed in battle. He was involved in several major battles during his time, and the number of enemies he killed from them are unknown. In April 13, 1612, Musashi fought his most famous duel, with Sasaki Kojiro, who wielded a nodachi. Musashi came late and unkempt to the appointed place — the remote island of Funajima, north of Kokura. The duel was short. Musashi killed his opponent with a bokken that he had carved from an oar while traveling to the island. Musashi fashioned it to be longer than the nodachi, making it closer to a modern suburito.
Musashi's late arrival is controversial. Sasaki's outraged supporters thought it was dishonorable and disrespectful while Musashi's supporters thought it was a fair way to unnerve his opponent. Another theory is that Musashi timed the hour of his arrival to match the turning of the tide. The tide carried him to the island. After his victory, Musashi immediately jumped back in his boat and his flight from Sasaki's vengeful allies was helped by the turning of the tide. Another theory states he waited for the sun to get in the right position. After he dodged a blow Sasaki was blinded by the sun. At this time Musashi would have delivered the killing blow to the chest of Sasaki ending the duel.
In the year 1643 Musashi retired to a cave and began writing his "Book of Five Rings" or "Go Rin No Sho" . He finished the book in 1644 and passed its knowledge onto his closest disciple. And in June of 1645, the greatest warrior and swordsman of his time passed away leaving a legand and legacy that have since been unrivaled. His book is still read and the knowledge still continues to be used not only only the field of battle, but also the board rooms around the world of major businesses.
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